Cloud Development with Kubernetes and Materna

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Materna goes Kubernetes

We accompany your Journey2CloudTM.

Cloud Development with Kubernetes and Materna

Kubernetes - also known as K8s - is an open source container orchestration system used to manage and automate "containerized" applications and services. We have extensive expertise and experience in this field and accompany organizations on their Journey2Cloud towards Kubernetes.

The use of Kubernetes is growing exponentially and is now established as the de facto standard in data centers and cloud platforms worldwide. After Google made the Kubernetes project open source in 2014, a large, rapidly growing ecosystem formed. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is the vendor-independent hub for cloud native computing. Kubernetes, Prometheus and more than 100 other projects are hosted there.

Materna is a member of the Linux Foundation, an organization that drives the development of open source software like Kubernetes.

The public administration cloud strategy

The German Administration Cloud Strategy (DVS) envisages the reciprocal and cross-location use of cloud services and software solutions in public administration. The administration cloud will be interoperable via open interfaces.

Specialist procedures in the cloud

Public authorities should start today to develop specialized procedures in accordance with the "cloud-native" administration cloud strategy. This is done on the basis of container technology, open interfaces and portability in compliance with BSI specifications. Applications must be able to run on at least two cloud platforms with vendor-independent components.

Kubernetes Ecosystem

Integrated DVS layers provide authorities with access to landing zones in the respective desired cloud platforms as a technical core and pivot point. These landing zones are based on a Kubernetes Ecosystem and DevOps and GitOps principles.

The Journey2CloudTMPublic

Materna has developed an architecture (Journey2CloudTM Public) using open source components, on which cloud landing zones can be individually built and adapted to different authorities. Our solution component Journey2Cloud Public is the technical implementation of the DVS layer and follows the CNCF or open source principles as well as the German Administration Cloud Strategy. For this we offer the following services::

  • Execution of first proof of concepts
  • Execution of implementation projects
  • Consulting and analysis as well as enablement for cloud implementation
  • Modernization and migration of applications
  • Consulting and support in the organizational change process
  • Education as well as training in cloud technologies
  • Managed services for the operation of the DVS layer or Kubernetes platform

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